July 17 - August 12
Announcing . . . FIND WALDO IN FORT KENT!
This summer, our bookstore will be once again hosting an exciting month-long scavenger hunt to find Waldo in twenty-one participating locations. The Find Waldo Local is a creative and fun way to highlight all that’s wonderful about our local indie businesses, and we hope you’ll want to join in!
To participate, visit these participating businesses and find Waldo at each location. Have someone at the business sign off or stamp your stampcard to acknowledge that you have found him. The businesses may have prizes for the successful Waldo searchers.
Please be respectful of the business locations and of the town monuments included in this hunt.
Once you have your stampcard all filled out, please return your completed form, with contact information to Bogan Books at 130 West Main Street in Fort Kent, Maine in order to be included in a drawing for larger prizes on August 12.